Reach for the light

I reach for the light. It burns brightly and makes my cotyledons a happy vibrant green. There is a small plastic bag loosely set over my top that keeps the humidity high for my tender new leaves. My roots are another matter. They sense sourness, the kind that makes one tip-toe across the floor for fear of getting something stuck between your toes. It must be the tea that they drink. But for now it does not matter. I am living off the nutrients in my seed pod. Strange that without gravitational clues my roots will grow in all directions, even “upwards”. Eventually my roots learn to reach for the dampness.

I reach for the light with some of my other "Buds"
I reach for the light with some of my other “Buds”
This cover bag maintains humidity for new sprouts
This cover bag maintains humidity for new sprouts
My wrong way roots; they are confused and grow "up" in the weightlessness of space
My wrong way roots; they are confused and grow “up” in the weightlessness of space