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This blog resulted from the seemingly simple desire to have the space equivalent of a potted plant in the corner (of the spacecraft) so that plants could be enjoyed as a small splash of green in a microcosm of machinery. This had to be accomplished with scrounged materials free from the complexities that make up formal experiments.  Rather than write a technical monograph on the trials of space horticulture, this blog emerged from the perspective of a space vegetable as a crewmember on Expedition 30 to the International Space Station. Consolidated here are fragmented posts, currently difficult to find and read because they are scattered over a number of websites. They are listed in chronological order.

Listen to an abridged version of Diary of a ZZZ produced by Taylor Quimby for “Word of Mouth” and read by Sean Hurley on the New Hampshire Public Radio (nhpr) website:

click here 

If the New Hampshire Public Radio link does not work click here: