
My cotyledons, like a drogue chute in a parachute deployment sequence, provide the photosynthetic nourishment until my real leaves can form. Now I stretch my first leaf and orient it towards the light. My cotyledons, having served their purpose, will soon wilt. My gardener removed the plastic bag cover. Now I can spread my leaves.

Cotyledons, my first two leaves, provides temporary solar energy until my real foliage forms
Cotyledons, my first two leaves, provides temporary solar energy until my real foliage forms
Once my real leaves begin to form, Gardener removes the plastic cover
Once my real leaves begin to form, Gardener removes the plastic cover
In space I can fly; no longer root bound, I can float about the cabin with Gardener
In space I can fly; no longer root bound, I can float about the cabin with Gardener