Dragon goes away
We released Dragon today. The treasures he brought were traded for some of our goods and then we sent him on his way. I like this concept; Dragon brings us things we can use in exchange for things we have made on orbit. The things we make on orbit are samples from our scientific experiments. They have great value to the Big Gardener on Earth. Historically, explorers brought back silk, gold, and spices. Now we bring back scientific samples, crystals, blood, spit, and urine. Within these goods lay the spoils more valuable than plundered gold for they are the key to advancing our knowledge. Sometimes we give Dragon broken spacecraft parts that he will repair and bring back on his next visit. Before we closed the hatch, we placed a picture of our crew on the bulkhead. It was off colored and streaky, the result of our ink-troubled printer. When living far from home, keeping complex equipment running can be difficult; perhaps dragon brought us something we can use to fix it. Dragon seemed anxious to go. I guess when a Dragon pays you a visit, they do not want to stay for long.