Enter the Dragon




Today we captured a Dragon. I can tell that Gardener and his crew were excited. We made all the necessary preparations; the place with all the windows was set up for flying the dragon catcher, this long robotic arm. There was a special control panel on a long cable with large brightly colored push buttons. I thought this was something you might give a toddler to play with. I am told it can control the Dragon. If the Dragon becomes too unruly Gardner can push a button and make him go away. Gardener played one more set of computer games before the Dragon arrived. He gave us all a long smell then he and his crew went into the room of windows. Broccoli, Sunflower, and I took station watch so everyone else could concentrate on the catch. Gardner was flying the arm when we heard him call to the Big Gardner on Earth, “Houston, we have a Dragon by the tail”.

Capture the dragon; Gardner and crew operate the robotic arm from the room of windows.  This dragon came at night.
Capture the dragon; Gardner and crew operate the robotic arm from the room of windows. This dragon came at night.
Dragon came near our spacecraft by day but he waited until it was dark before coming close enough to capture.
Dragon came near our spacecraft by day but he waited until it was dark before coming close enough to capture.
Dragon by the tail;  we captured this dragon and pulled him into our spaceship.
Dragon by the tail; we captured this dragon and pulled him into our spaceship.