Gaming in space
Gardener has been spending a lot of time playing a computer game. His computer is near our grow light so we can watch. He plays in the morning before works starts and in the evening after work is over. He must find this relaxing. The game he plays is called “Catch the Dragon”. He must be up to something but I am not certain what it can be. He talks to his Gardner on Earth about this game so it must be part of his job. I noticed that he does not have to put in any quarters.

Gardner plays “catch the dragon” on the computer.

A robotics workstation for practice; this laptop computer has a full set of robotic hand controllers for translation and rotation where we can simulate snagging the Dragon as it comes close to Space Station. The translation hand controller moves the arm in three straight-line directions (X-Y-Z) simultaneous with the rotational hand controller moving the arm in three angular directions (yaw-pitch-roll). Sunflower is there to help Gardner hone his dragon catching skills.