Greenhouse gases
Our machine that removes carbon dioxide from the air failed last night and the carbon dioxide is now over three quarters of a percent. On Earth the concentration of carbon dioxide is about 0.04 percent so the level here is over 18 times greater than on Earth. Talk about greenhouse gases! The human part of our crew breathes in oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide, just the opposite of what us plants do. This level of carbon dioxide is toxic for the humans; it is enough to give stuffy noses and splitting headaches but for us plants, this is like being in a sweet greenhouse. Broccoli, Sunflower, little Zuc, and I are doing all we can to breath in the carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. Even the algae are doing their part. The algae filled rooter bags are full of oxygen bubbles that escape into the cabin. I would say these stowaways have now become an essential part of the crew. Meanwhile, Gardener is working on fixing the machine. When disconnected from the normal cycles on Earth, plants and animals make for a complementary crew, especially when venturing into space.