What is Gardener up to? He only gave us a brief glance this morning. He kept flying back and forth completely absorbed in his chores and did not even stop to smell our leaves. By the end of the day Sunflower, Broccoli, and I were thirsty. Our aeroponic bags only hold about 50 milliliters of water and they ran out by the afternoon. With our roots feeding all our leaves, we drink up a lot of water. By the end of the day our leaves were wilting. Here they do not droop under the pull of gravity like leaves on Earth plants. They simply float like pieces of crinkled green paper. Perhaps Gardener did not notice. By evening, he was shocked when he saw us. How could we dry out in only one day he said? I could tell he felt really bad. He watered us and our leaves inflated within minutes. Even Sunflower with his scrawny ¾ meter long stalk inflated his leaves in short order. It is amazing how quickly our vascular bundles can transport water especially when there is no gravity.