New crewmates
We have two new crewmates, Sunflower and Broccoli. Sunflower is lanky with a long skinny stalk. He is standing tall. Broccoli is small and weak. His sprouts are so small that surface tension forces cause his cotyledons to remain wet all the time. His first two leaves are either glued down to the wet spouting medium or a ball of water simply adheres to them as they grow outwards. Within a day or two mold takes over and the poor sprout dies. It grieves me to see them die. Life can be tough on the frontier.

Sunflower, my new crewmate has a long thin stalk but stands tall

Broccoli sprouts in the sprouter bag; surface tension forces can overpower Broccoli’s cotyledons causing them to remain wet and then dying from mold – life can be tough on the frontier