Spread your hull
Baby Zuc has developed his hull spreader! We have tough hulls and sometimes they do not split in half like they should thus trapping our cotyledons inside and causing sprout to die. We have a special bump on our stem that catches on the hull and spreads it open as we grow so the new leaves can emerge undamaged. The Gardener on Earth thinks this may require gravity. He thinks gravity is needed to generate the plant hormones that signal our stem to grow this bump but we can do this even in the weightlessness of space. On the frontier, even Baby Zuc can teach us something new.

Baby Zuc spreads his hull; a special bump on the stem base catches one side of the hull so when he grows it splits open.

The hull spreader allows baby Zuc’s leaves to emerge undamaged.

Baby Zuc grows with the hull still stuck to his bump. When living in the frontier, even Baby Zuc can teach us something new.